The link above leads to an article written by one of our young adults back when I was serving in Bethesda Church Bukit Arang. Really appreciate her candid sharing of how she herself struggled with being in an unequally yoked dating relationship and how she eventually broke it off even though it was painful and her friends around her thought she was nuts. The article offers four reasons why unequally yoked romantic dating relationships are not for the Christian. Below are my summary of the four reasons she listed.
1. You believe in completely, absolutely different things.
Holding different worldview beliefs is a big deal since differences in worldview is so all-encompassing; affecting every area of our lives. Marrying a non-Christian would mean “a lifetime of split loyalties, and a severe endangerment of your relationship with God. One way or another, one relationship (or even both) will have to be compromised.”
2. It is never “just dating.”
As Christians, we should always date with marriage in mind. Casual dating, with no thought for the future is selfish and unfair to the other party.
3. Something else just became more important than God.
The willingness to jeopardise your relationship with God for an unequally yoked relationship is already very telling that the relationship is becoming idolatrous.
4. The joy of having a Christian partner.
Getting romantically attached to a non-Christian basically cancels out all the spiritual benefits one could possibly obtain from being attached to a committed Christian.
To end off, I would like to quote her concluding thoughts:
“So its not merely a matter of going to different places on a Sunday morning – it’s a matter of ending up in different places for eternity. As a Christian, are you convinced that your salvation and relationship with God is more important than your relationship with anyone else? Are you certain that heaven and hell exist? Do you believe that obedience to God’s word sometimes involves things we don’t want to do, or don’t even understand? Because there is no sitting on the fence – if your answer is yes, then you cannot continue knowingly disobeying God. And, rather more worryingly, if your answer is no, then you might have to ask if you are really a Christian at all.”