Last month, Timothy Fellowship youth ministry, together with Enoch young adults ministry planned a reach-out program to the Senior Activity Centre at block 180. The key objective is to invite the seniors there to our upcoming Christmas service so that they have the opportunity to hear the gospel.
It started off with some publicity…… then came the planning meetings, correspondences with the centre people, and logistics like packing of goodie bags.Then came the actual day and we began by introducing our church, followed by introducing ourselves one by one.We then distributed ourselves evenly to sit among the seniors to interact with them and explain the games to them. The first game on the list was “guess the song” game.Led by different ones in TF and Enoch, we played a total of 4 games: Guess the song game, Pictionary game, Pass or fail game and we ended the game segment with the Advert memory game.After publicising our Christmas service and distributing the Christmas service publicity bookmarks as well as goodie bags, comes the final part of the program: the group photo.We ended the day with a celebration lunch to celebrate the meaningful time spent.
To relief the burden of the seniors there from having to register themselves via the QR code, we enlisted the help of the centre staff to collect the names of those who wish to sign up for the Christmas service by the end of November. Praise be to God, by the end of November, there were 14 sign-ups. Our prayer is that there will be no hindrance for these 14 precious souls to turn up for the Christmas service and that the gospel preached will be to them “the power of God unto salvation.” (Romans 1:16)