A recent programme on CNA highlighted the problem of loneliness in Singapore. There has been a rising trend of lonely deaths – people who die alone in their own homes, often undiscovered until neighbours notice the stench. [1] The same trend is also seen in other countries like Japan and Korea. Indeed, loneliness has become a social issue in many advanced countries. It may therefore seem counter-intuitive to talk about Solitude as a spiritual discipline in this day and age. But we must first understand that Solitude is not about being alone. On the contrary, Solitude is being with oneself despite being around others. While loneliness is a problem that must be tackled, Solitude is a discipline that we should practice.

For those who live in crowded cities like Singapore, finding space for solitude can be difficult. Added to that, we are constantly inundated by messages from social and mass media. Solitude will be impossible without concerted effort and purposeful action. We need to carve out a place and time to be with ourselves. We can make solitude a part of the quiet time that we spend with God each day. We can also make use of pockets of time on our hands, such as when travelling on the train or during breaks at work. Most importantly, we need to refrain from using our devices during these periods. This “radio-silence” is necessary so that we can communicate with God and hear our own thoughts.

Jesus gave us a good example of the practice of Solitude. He was constantly in the presence of people, but He also stepped out to be alone. He did this before choosing the twelve disciples (Luke 6:12). He also did this before facing the cross in the garden of Gethsemane (Matthew 26:36). Solitude was a part of the spiritual life of Jesus that empowered Him to face great challenges. The same should be true for us. May we find strength each day as we spend time in solitude with God.

[1] “Dead Alone In Singapore – Facing A Lonely Death,” CNA, last modified 24 Jun 2024, https://www.channelnewsasia.com/watch/dead-alone-singapore/facing-lonely-death-4431271