
Luke 路加福音 5:15-16

15 But now even more the report about him went abroad, and great crowds gathered to hear him and to be healed of their infirmities. 

16 But he would withdraw to desolate places and pray.

15 但他的名声却越发传扬出去,成群的人来聚集,要听道,并且要使他们的疾病痊愈。 

16 耶稣却退到旷野去祷告。

Even though this passage is part of the preaching text on 13 March, I will be sharing on these two verses here in this article as I plan to focus the sermon more on what we can learn from the leper. However, there is an important message here, not to be missed! Something in which we can learn from our Lord Jesus in this passage.

As more and more people hear about Jesus (v15), we can only imagine how busy Jesus must have been. He needs to manage a growing preaching ministry as well as a growing healing ministry. In those days, Jesus must have been the busiest person on planet earth since He is the only Person that can do what only He can do. Yet amidst His busy schedule, He found time to have alone time with God; to pray and commune with God, one-to-one. Jesus must have thought of such alone time with God to be really important, if not, He would not have purposely carved out time for it.

Do we have time to be alone with God? Perhaps the demands of life leave us without such times with God. Perhaps we think of these times as a luxury only retirees can afford. The fact is: we make time for things that are important to us. When we make time to attend our children’s school events or celebrate our loved one’s birthdays, anniversaries, or funerals, we are saying it is important. Similarly, not making time for these is a way of saying these are not important to us. All of us only have 24 hours a day. If we do not intentionally carve out time to spend alone time with God, is it because we do not have time, or is it because we fail to make time for it? Again, if something is really important to us, we will make time for it. That is what Jesus did, He made time for things that are important. If alone time with God is so important to Jesus, then should we also think of it as important?

尽管这段话是 3 月 13 日讲道文本的一部分,但我将在本文中分享这两节经文,因为我计划将讲道更多地集中在我们可以从麻风病人身上学到什么。但是,这里有一个重要信息,不容错过!在这段经文中,我们可以从耶稣那里学到一些东西。

随着越来越多的人听说耶稣(第 15 节),我们只能想象耶稣一定有多忙。他需要管理一个不断增长的传道事工以及一个不断增长的医治事工。在那些日子里,耶稣一定是地球上最忙碌的人,因为他是唯一能做只有他能做的事的人。然而,在繁忙的日程中,他抽出时间与上帝独处;一对一地祈祷和与上帝交流。耶稣一定认为与上帝独处的时间非常重要,如果不是,他就不会刻意为此腾出时间。

我们有时间与神独处吗?也许生活的需要使我们没有与上帝在一起的时间。也许我们认为这些时间是只有退休人员才能负担得起的奢侈品。事实是:我们会为对我们重要的事情腾出时间。当我们抽出时间参加孩子的学校活动或庆祝亲人的生日、纪念日或葬礼时,我们说这很重要。同样,不为这些腾出时间是一种说这些对我们不重要的方式。我们所有人一天只有 24 小时。如果我们不刻意抽出时间与神独处,是因为我们没有时间,还是因为我们没有为它腾出时间?同样,如果某件事对我们来说真的很重要,我们会为它腾出时间。这就是耶稣所做的,他为重要的事情腾出时间。如果与上帝独处的时间对耶稣来说如此重要,那么我们是否也应该认为它也很重要?