Laura Porteous wrote a refreshing article on how the younger folks in church can possess a wonderful connection in their church family with people of different ages, from different backgrounds, and life experiences.

But the process admittedly is not often easy.

She says: “Even older Christians with the best intentions can miss the mark. It can feel a bit awkward when they ask you the same questions every time they see you in church. It takes time and effort from both sides to help and encourage one another, and ultimately, have more meaningful relationships.”

Eventually, she would offer some helpful pointers on how better to relate to CFBYPs:

* Volunteer information – “Often people ask about school because they want to know about what’s going on in your life. Often they don’t go beyond the questions about school because they don’t know much more about you! One way to help steer the conversation off the same 3 questions, is to volunteer information about your life. Maybe you’ve read a good book or did a new walk recently with your family. Maybe you’ve got into drawing or made a new friend at school.”

* Ask them questions – “You can also ask them things. Try thinking of some different conversation starters that you can use. Asking questions shows that you have genuine interest in getting to know others. It shows that you care and want to be in a 2-way relationship.”

* Serve – “If you’ve got a skill that you think might come in handy at church, then speak to an elder or a parent about how it could be used in the church. When you serve your church you show real commitment to it. You grow in love for the people there and you’ll encourage others to do the same too.”

* Be Real – “Let them know how you really are. Ask for their prayers and support in the ups and the downs of life. And make friends beyond your peers, get to know others in your church family. This is what it means to be involved in a church and mature well. It is taking your faith, and your relationships with the whole church family, seriously.”

Some related questions to ponder over:

– What are some CFBYPs that you can think of, that you feel comfortable talking to, and do currently engage in conversations with them when you see them in church from time to time?

– When CFBYPs try to engage you in conversation, what are the things they often ask?

– How can you volunteer more information about yourself to your CFBYPs and what are the questions you can ask your CFBYPs too?

Click here for the full article: