13 Feb 2022

Philippians 腓立比书  1:12-18

Background: Paul was imprisoned because of the gospel 背景:保罗因为福音被囚禁

1. He thanked God for the Philippians’ fellowship in the gospel (1:3-8)  他为腓立比信徒在福音的事工上有分而感谢神

2. He prayed for the Philippians’ love to abound in knowledge & judgment (1:9-11)  他为腓立比信徒的爱心能在知识和见识上增多而祈求

3. He then assured the Philippians that God was advancing the gospel through his imprisonment (1:12-18) 他向腓立比信徒保证神正借着他的囚禁兴旺福音

Outline 大纲:

A. Paul was very hopeful despite his imprisonment (1:12)  尽管被囚禁,保罗满有盼望

  (i) Many were hearing about Jesus, in the palace & in all other places (1:13)  许多人在宫里和宫外听到了耶稣的事

Key Idea 关键思想 #1:

 (ii) Many were sharing Jesus; some with bad & some with good motives (1:14-17)  许多人或真心或假意地分享耶稣的事

Key Idea 关键思想 #2:

B. Paul was very joyful despite the various circumstances (1:18)  无论怎么样,保罗满有欢喜

Key Idea 关键思想 #3:

Main Idea 主要思想: