
Meditation   Meditation means different things to different people. Your mind may conjure images of people sitting quietly, chanting in a trance, doing some form of exercise, or doing nothing at all. Meditation has also been associated with various religions and...

Spiritual Discipline

In a study titled “Delay of gratification in children”, it was reported that “4-year-old children who delayed gratification longer in certain laboratory situations developed into more cognitively and socially competent adolescents, achieving higher...

日期:4月14日 题目:祂的使命 – 我的使命 His Mission – My Mission 讲员:陈怡文长老 经文:路加福音 Luke 24:36-53 大纲: 耶稣真的复活了 Jesus has truly resurrected 耶稣真的是弥赛亚 Jesus is truly the Messiah 我们是祂的见证人 We are His...


(刘荣森长老著) 我一想到复活节,脑海里就浮出俩句词:一是“耶稣真的复活了!”二则是“墓中无人”。 若没有记错,第一个词应该就是在若干年前,陈士福传道在讲道时要会众所说的回应。当祂说:“耶稣复活了!”, 我们就回应:“耶稣真的复活了!” 第二个词出自以诺小组。不知何故,冒出这个词来。若要知道来龙去脉请向以诺小组询问。 因为巧妙的使用错别字所以留下深刻印象,并提醒自己以后在复活节若要讲道时不妨考虑采纳。 为什么耶稣的复活是如此的重要?空坟墓是耶稣复活的持久象征,是耶稣自称为神的最终凭据。...

日期:3月31日 题目:耶稣的复活与我何关?What does Jesus’ resurrection have to do with me? 讲员:刘荣森长老 经文:路加福音 Luke 24:1-12 1. 耶稣真的复活了吗?Did Jesus really resurrect? 第一个可能性就是:耶稣没有复活。The 1st possibility is: Jesus did not resurrect. 第二个可能性就是:耶稣真的复活了!The 2nd possibility is: Jesus had indeed...