Be His Disciple, Be Like Jesus

This year, our church theme is “Be His Disciple, Be Like Jesus”. In order to Be Like Jesus, I think we need to take a good look at our world today. What kind of world do we live in? What does it mean to “be like Jesus” in our world? In a...

日期:1月19日 题目: 耶和华必预备 The LORD will Provide 讲员:陈怡文长老 经文:创世记 Genesis 21 – 22  大纲:

日期:1月12日 题目: 守约的神 The God Who Keeps His Covenant 讲员:刘荣森长老 经文:创世记 Genesis 15 – 18  大纲: 人对圣约的回应 Man’s response to God’s covenant: 要相信接受 Believe and accept 不可凭己意守约 Do not use your own devices to keep the covenant 守约的义务 Obligation to keep the covenant 成为他人的祝福 To be a...


(蔡杰奇执事著) 每年的这个时候,特别适合进行一次“瞻前顾后”的反思。这里说的“瞻前顾后”可不是抱怨“去年计划没完成,今年又得忙这些事”,而是一个真实的回顾和展望,特别是对我们信徒来说,灵命的“回顾”和“瞻望”是大有裨益的。 每到年末,我喜欢和弟兄姐妹们聊聊:“你今年最大的成就是什么?”“明年有什么目标?”不过每次发现,能够真心回答这些问题的并不多。很多人没有定期反思和规划的习惯,错过了灵命成长的重要机会。...


In Richard Foster’s book “Celebration of Discipline”, Confession is listed as a Corporate Discipline. I was quite surprised to see something which I had not expected to be a Discipline included as such. Indeed, the author himself makes this point,...