日期:7月14日 题目:当醒悟!受警戒!Be Wise and Be Warned 讲员:蔡杰奇执事 经文:诗篇 Psalm 2 大纲: 1. 这世界是敌对神的The world stands in rebellion against God (v.1-3) 2. 神把世界交给祂儿子统治与审判God has given the world to His Son to rule and to judge (v.4-9) 3. 当战兢欢呼事奉祂Serve Him with fear and joy...

Walking with God

(By Elder Edwin Chan) Walking as an exercise started trending within the last decade. With the popularity of fitness trackers, earning monetary rewards and the sheer health benefits as compared to sedentary lifestyle, walking has indeed gained lots of fans.  In a...


What is prayer? Countless books have been written on this topic, endless debates are still going on as to why we need to pray. Indeed, it is very hard for the human mind to understand why an all-knowing Person would like us to tell Him anything, much less to tell Him...

The Disciples of Jesus

The 12 Disciples Peter Andrew James John Philip Nathanael Matthew Thomas James, Son of Alphaeus Simon Judas, son of James Judas...


婴孩/孩童 Child 筵席 Banquet 禁食/断食 Fasting (下) 禁食/断食 Fasting (上) 火 Fire 凭据 Guarantee 雨水甘霖 Rain 会幕 Tabernacle 葡萄(下) 葡萄(上) 脚前的灯,路上的光 是何婴孩 What Child is...