对耶稣能力的两个惧怕的回应    Two responses of fear to Jesus’ power 耶稣平静风浪之后,门徒惧怕以对The disciples respond in fear when Jesus calms the storm(8:22-25) 耶稣治好被鬼附的人之后,格拉森人惧怕以对The people of Gerasenes respond in fear when Jesus heals the demoniac(8:26/39) 对耶稣能力的两个信心的回应    Two responses...

  听与接受神的道 Hear and Receive God’s Word 听与分享神的道 Hear and Share God’s Word 听与顺服神的道 Hear and Obey God’s Word 接受、分享与顺服神的道的美好例子    Wonderful examples of those who Receive, Share and Obey in response to God’s...

日期:6月5日 题目:非凡的医治 (二) Extraordinary Healing (2) 讲员:刘荣森长老 经文:路加福音 Luke 7:1-17 大纲: 耶稣不止是大能的医生而已,祂更是掌管生命与复活的主。Jesus is not just a great Healer,He is the Life and Resurrection. 治好百夫长的仆人  (7:1–10)The Healing of a Slave 使拿因城寡妇的儿子复活  (7:11–17) The Raising of a Widow’s Son 思想...