Dec 6, 2023 | Sermon
日期:10/12/2023 讲员:曹振隆博士 讲题:Metonymy 转喻 经文:1 Peter 彼得前书 3:18-22 (ESV/CNVS) Outline 大纲 Perplexing Passages 令人费解的圣经段落 Metonymy 转喻 Baptism is a pledge of a clear conscience toward God 洗礼是对上帝无愧的良心的承诺 Be Careful of Contrarian Voices 小心逆反的声音 Be Careful...
Nov 17, 2023 | Sermon
日期:19/11/2023 讲员:曹振隆传道 讲题:Troublemakers Playbook 滋事者手册 经文:1 Peter 彼得前书 3:8-20 (ESV/CNVS) Outline 大纲 Dealing with Troublemakers 应付滋事者 Love your Enemies 爱你们的仇敌 3 Key Interpretations 三个关键解读: 1) Christ Preached Second Chance Salvation 基督宣扬第二次救恩机会 2) Christ...
Nov 9, 2023 | Bulletin
Recently, we had a discussion in our youth ministry on how to tell if the person asking you out for a date is a true believer. A total of 15 points was discussed in evaluating if a person is a true believer or not since not all who say they are Christians are true...
Oct 18, 2023 | Sermon
日期:22/10/2023 讲员:曹振隆传道 讲题:Very Precious to You 在你面前是极宝贵的 经文:1 Peter 彼得前书 3:7 (ESV/CNVS) Outline 大纲 Understanding “Likewise” “同样”的意义 Slaves towards masters 奴隶面对主人 (2:18-25) Wives towards unbelieving husbands 妻子面对不信的丈夫 (3:1-6) Husbands towards wives 丈夫面对妻子 (3:7) 2...
Oct 5, 2023 | Bulletin
Above is a great article that I find myself reading and rereading (you may click on the picture to access the article). I have always felt uncomfortable hearing Christians use the OMG (Oh My God) phrase. As Christians, we of all people, ought to be mindful to revere...