Heard Anyone Exclaiming “Oh My God” Recently?

Above is a great article that I find myself reading and rereading (you may click on the picture to access the article). I have always felt uncomfortable hearing Christians use the OMG (Oh My God) phrase. As Christians, we of all people, ought to be mindful to revere...

Keeping Our Distance from Eugene Peterson

Sadly, just one year before his passing, Eugene Peterson was embroiled in an unfortunate controversy that would mar his legacy in Christendom forever. Just a simple search of him in Wikipedia will reveal that in 2017, when an interviewer asked him “if he would...

日期:20/8/2023 讲员:曹振隆传道 讲题:Very Precious to God 在上帝面前是极宝贵的 经文:1 Peter 彼得前书 3:1-6 (ESV/CNVS) Outline 大纲 Specific Situation concerning Christian Wives  关于基督徒妻子的具体情况 Why Only to Wives? 为什么只提妻子? Strategy: Submissive Conduct  策略: 顺服的表现 Genesis 创世纪 18:12 Golden Rule ...

Hot Mic Moments & Our Inner Voice

In September 2021, there was a hot mic moment in the Singapore parliament where a politician was caught making remarks about another politician being “illiterate” and from a “lousy school.” The politician making those remarks had apologised for his offensive remarks...