Engaging CFBYP (Church Folks Beyond Your Peers)

Laura Porteous wrote a refreshing article on how the younger folks in church can possess a wonderful connection in their church family with people of different ages, from different backgrounds, and life experiences. But the process admittedly is not often easy. She...

日期:18/2/2024 讲员:梁大卫弟兄 讲题:The Best Hong Bao 最好的红包 经文:1 John 约翰一书 4:9-10 (ESV/CNVS) Outline 大纲 Introduction – Chinese New Year Greetings 引言 – 农历新年祝语 What is the Best Hong Bao? 什么是最好的红包? Is it having money or wealth? 是金钱或财富吗? Is it having good health? 是身体健康吗? Is it...

What To Think Of Chinese Dragon Images This CNY

A great friend of mine sent me this article entitled: “Should Christians have anything to do with the dragon this CNY?” and asked me what I think… https://saltandlight.sg/…/should-christians-have…/ Certainly a very well-written article by...

日期:28/1/2024 讲员:曹振隆博士 讲题:What do you want Jesus to do for you? 你要耶稣为你做什么? 经文:Luke 路加福音 18: 31 – 43 (ESV/CNVS) Outline 大纲 Perception vs Reality 感知与现实 Jesus’ vs Disciple’s understanding 耶稣的理解与门徒的理解 Blind man vs Crowd’s understanding 盲人与群众的理解 Healing as part of...

The Importance of Community Building in Discipleship

“There are over 100 times in the New Testament where we see the Greek word “allelon,” which means “one another, each other; mutually, reciprocally.” Over half of these commandments relate specifically to how we are to live in a relationship (teach, encourage,...