The Parenting Three Ps

This day, 12th of May, our church celebrates Parents’ Day! Allow me to suggest three Ps for parents seeking to provide spiritual leadership over their kids. The first P is to be Proactive!Laidback is the opposite of Leadership! Proactive leaders are not laid back! To...

日期:5/5/2024 讲员:曹振隆博士 讲题: Parenting with Purpose: The Key to Generational Faithfulness. 传宗、传承。 经文:Judges 士师记 2:7-11 (ESV/新译本) Outline 大纲 The Danger is Real 真实存在的危险 The Previous Generation 上一代 Whose Responsibility? 谁的责任? The Content to Pass On 传承的内容 Psalm 诗篇...

How Churches Respond – A Spectrum. In the...

日期:7/4/2024 讲员:曹振隆博士 讲题: How Humans Can Walk With God Today. 今天人类如何与神同行。 经文:Luke 路加福音 24:13-35 (ESV/新译本) Outline 大纲 Who are these two persons? 这两个人是谁? How do we know she was in unbelief concerning the resurrection? 我们怎么知道她不相信复活呢? How did Jesus correct them from their...

日期:16/3/2024 讲员:曹振隆博士 讲题:The Ins and Outs of the Kingdom 天国内外的人 经文:Luke 路加福音 19:11-27 (ESV/CNVS) Outline 大纲 Context: Salvation of Zacchaeus. 上下文: 撒该得救。 The King Rewards. 王的赏赐。 The King Judges. 王的审判。 Is the Wicked Servant Saved? 4 Clues. 恶仆是否得救? 四条线索。 Ascertaining...