日期:24/11/2024 讲员:曹振隆博士 讲题: The Best is Yet to Be  最好的尚未成全 经文:1 Peter 彼得前书 5:1-11 (ESV/新译本) Outline 大纲 A Persecution Context  ...

日期:27/10/2024 讲员:曹振隆博士 讲题: God’s Justice in an Unjust World 神的公义和世界的不公 经文:Psalm 诗篇 99 (ESV/新译本) Outline 大纲 The Justice of God  神的公义 Moses 摩西 (Exodus 出埃及记 33:11), Aaron 亚伦 (Leviticus 利未记 16) and Samuel 撒母耳 (1 Samuel 撒母耳记上 3) NLT: “but you punished them when they...

Puzzling Passages #4 – Modeling After A Dishonest Manager? 

Puzzling Passage: Luke 16:1-9V1-8a – ParableV8b-13 – Jesus’ explanationV14 – Further context The Parable of the Dishonest Manager1  He also said to the disciples, “There was a rich man who had a manager, and charges were brought to him that this man...

日期:22/9/2024 讲员:吴仕魁博士 讲题:Yom Kippur 赎罪日 经文:Leviticus 利未记 16 (ESV/新译本) No outline 无大纲