日期:25/8/2024 讲员:曹振隆博士 讲题: The Persecution Paradox 迫害悖论 经文:1 Peter 彼得前书 4:12-19 (ESV/新译本) Outline 大纲 Peter’s views on persecution 彼得对迫害的看法 Counterfeit persecution 假迫害 Parable of the wheat and tares 稗子的比喻 The 2 Timothy 3:12 principle 提摩太后书 3:12...

日期:18/9/2024 讲员:吴仕魁博士 讲题: Arise! Shine! 起来! 发光! 经文:Isaiah 以赛亚书 60:1-2 (ESV/新译本) Outline 大纲 What is the Bible talking about? 圣经在讲什么? What are the possible hindrances? 有哪些可能面对的拦阻? Three questions 三道问题 How do I “do it”?...

Puzzling Passages #2 – Unworthy Servants?

Last month, I started a new series examining passages in the Bible that appear deeply puzzling. This month, we shall look at a passage in Luke. Puzzling Passage: Luke 17:7-107 “Will any one of you who has a servant plowing or keeping sheep say to him when he has come...

日期:28/7/2024 讲员:曹振隆博士 讲题: From Distress to Success  从困境到成功 经文:Psalm 诗篇 22 (ESV/新译本) Outline 大纲 The psalmist slowly moving from distress to success 诗篇作者从困境慢慢走向成功    Redefining success 重新定义成功 King David’s example...

Puzzling Passages #1 – Misogyny in the text?

I shall be embarking on a new series here in this space for the 2nd Sunday of each month. In this new series, I will be exploring Bible passages that have appeared puzzling to me. To start off this new series, I shall look at a passage where the youth and I just had...