日期:28/7/2024 讲员:曹振隆博士 讲题: From Distress to Success  从困境到成功 经文:Psalm 诗篇 22 (ESV/新译本) Outline 大纲 The psalmist slowly moving from distress to success 诗篇作者从困境慢慢走向成功    Redefining success 重新定义成功 King David’s example...

Puzzling Passages #1 – Misogyny in the text?

I shall be embarking on a new series here in this space for the 2nd Sunday of each month. In this new series, I will be exploring Bible passages that have appeared puzzling to me. To start off this new series, I shall look at a passage where the youth and I just had...

日期:9/6/2024 讲员:曹振隆博士 讲题: Think this way to live this way 这样想,这样活 经文:1 Peter 彼得前书 4:1-11 (ESV/新译本) Outline 大纲 Readying your mind 准备好你的思想 To think this way 来这样想 In order to live this way...

Cambodia Mission Trip Reflections

Mission Trip Duration: 28 May – 2 June 2024 This mission trip consists of seven members and none of us have ever set foot in Cambodia. So we were very thankful for Elder Kian Huat and sister Akiko’s invaluable guidance before the trip and during the trip. In our...

日期:26/5/2024 讲员:林坚忠弟兄 讲题:The Cost & Joy of Following Jesus 跟随耶稣的代价与喜乐 经文:Mark 马可福音10:17-31 (ESV/CNVS) Outline 大纲 1. Following Jesus comes with a great price (v.17-22) 跟随耶稣需要付上极重的代价 (17-22节) 2. Following Jesus is made possible by our great God (v.23-27)...