Apr 7, 2022 | Bulletin
“… And now I will show you the most excellent way” 1 Corinthians 12:31b As most of you would already have heard, this year’s Oscars created quite a stir. Will Smith’s infamous slap has rocked the Oscars and created history. Most can understand why Will Smith...
Mar 31, 2022 | Sermon
日期:3/4/2022 题目:Determining What is Right and What is Wrong 确定什么是对,什么是错 讲员:曹振隆传道 经文:路加福音 Luke 6:1-11 大纲: Purpose of the Law: Serve the Well-being of Humanity 法律宗旨:为人类福祉服务 Problem at Hand: Word of God vs Man-made Traditions 手头的问题:上帝的话语与人为的传统 Our Moral Compass – Shaped...
Mar 10, 2022 | Bulletin
曹振隆传道 Luke 路加福音 5:15-16 15 But now even more the report about him went abroad, and great crowds gathered to hear him and to be healed of their infirmities. 16 But he would withdraw to desolate places and pray. 15 但他的名声却越发传扬出去,成群的人来聚集,要听道,并且要使他们的疾病痊愈。 16 耶稣却退到旷野去祷告。...
Mar 10, 2022 | Sermon
日期:3月13日 讲题:Leper Lesson 101 麻风病课101 讲员:曹振隆传道 经文:Luke 5:12-16 (ESV/CNVS) Outline 大纲: 1) Author’s Intention 作者的意图 2) Fate of a Leper 麻风病人的命运 3) Learning from the Leper...
Feb 10, 2022 | Bulletin
“I have no greater joy than to hear that my children are walking in the truth.” 3 John 1:4 What is the greatest joy that you can ever obtained here on this earth? Some years back, a friend recounted to me how he saw a grown man cried tears of joy when his...