Preparing for the New Year 为新的一年做准备

2 Timothy 提摩太后书 3:10-12 (esv/cnvs) 26-12-2021 讲员: 曹振隆传道 / 传译: 陈爱贞姐妹 Outline  大纲: 1) 2 Timothy 提摩太后书 3:10 2) 2 Corinthians 哥林多后书 12:7-10 3) Acts 使徒行传...

The Great Visitation 伟大的显现

讲员: Ong Chee Hong 王志鸿 / 传译: 叶友刚长老 经文: Leviticus 利未记 9:1-24 Outline 大纲: Introduction 引言 Vs.1-6 The Beautiful Opening 美丽的开场 Vs.7-21 The Humbling Order of Service 谦卑的服务顺序 Vs.22-24 The Blessed Ending 蒙福的结局 Reflection Questions 反思问题 Have you had a personal meeting up...

讲 题 : 上帝对我们的期望 #9 / God’s Expectations of Us #9

讲员: 曹振隆传道 / 传译: 陈爱贞姐妹 经文: Malachi 玛拉基书  4:4-6  (ESV/CNVS) Outline 大纲: 1) Martin Luther, the great reformer posted his 95 theses on 31st October 1517.  伟大的改革家马丁路德于 1517 年 10 月 31 日发表了他的 95 篇论文。 2) Elijah, the great reformer of the heart....

God is Good, All the Time!

When Moses requested for God to show him His glory, God replied in Exodus 33:19, that He “will make all [His] goodness pass before [Moses]. Let’s examine what God’s goodness look like (Exodus 34:6-7): 6 Then the Lord passed by in front of him and proclaimed, “The...