Can Christians Be Demon Possessed?

Recently, TF (Timothy Fellowship) youth group held a talk on the dangers of the New Age Movement. In the talk, we examined several occultic practices that have been prevalent in the current culture, especially those that have been extensively portrayed in the media....

日期:21/8/2022 题目:Now that You are a Christian… 你们既得了重生… 讲员:曹振隆传道 经文:1 Peter 彼得前书 1:22-2:12 (ESV/CNVS) Outline 大纲: Now that You are a Christian…  你们既得了重生… Be Loving  彼此切实相爱 Be Hungry for the Word  渴慕神的话 Be an Influencer ...

A Book by Rev Dr David Wong

In my recent First Peter sermon, I mentioned the importance of arming young people with biblical truths on unequally yoked matters and how crucial it is to do so before they go dating and not after. This is a sensitive topic and definitely one that is found within the...

日期:24/7/2022 题目:Living Like Exiles 过寄居的日子  讲员:曹振隆传道 经文:1 Peter 彼得前书 1:13-21 Outline 大纲: Recap  回顾 Time for Action  是时候采取行动 Set Your Hope  专心盼望 Be Holy  要圣洁 Example 例子:   Think of 2...

Unequally Yoked

“Why can’t Christians date non-Christians?” The link above leads to an article written by one of our young adults back when I was serving in Bethesda Church Bukit Arang. Really appreciate her candid sharing of how she herself struggled with being in...