
题目: 守约的神 The God Who Keeps His Covenant


经文:创世记 Genesis 15 – 18


人对圣约的回应 Man’s response to God’s covenant:

  1. 要相信接受 Believe and accept
  2. 不可凭己意守约 Do not use your own devices to keep the covenant
  3. 守约的义务 Obligation to keep the covenant
  4. 成为他人的祝福 To be a blessing to others

立约的神是怎样的一位神?What kind of God is the God of the covenant?

  1. 立约的神是守约的神 The God who made the covenant is a covenant-keeping God
  2. 立约的神是看顾人的神 The God who made the covenant is a God of seeing
  3. 立约的神是公义怜悯的神 The God who made the covenant is a righteous and merciful God