
题目:耶稣的复活与我何关?What does Jesus’ resurrection have to do with me?


经文:路加福音 Luke 24:1-12

1. 耶稣真的复活了吗?Did Jesus really resurrect?

  • 第一个可能性就是:耶稣没有复活。The 1st possibility is: Jesus did not resurrect.
  • 第二个可能性就是:耶稣真的复活了!The 2nd possibility is: Jesus had indeed resurrected!

2. 对耶稣的复活,从经文当中,我们也看到有3种回应: From the scriptures, we also see three kinds of responses to the resurrection of Jesus:

  • 妇女们的回应 The Women’s response
  • 使徒们的反应 The Apostles’ response
  • 彼得的反应 Peter’s response

3. 这些对我们所有人意味着什么?What does this mean for all of us?

  • 对于基督徒 For the Christians
  • 对于非基督徒 For the non-Christians