

讲题:The Best Hong Bao 最好的红包

经文:1 John 约翰一书 4:9-10 (ESV/CNVS)

Outline 大纲

  1. Introduction – Chinese New Year Greetings
    引言 – 农历新年祝语

  2. What is the Best Hong Bao? 什么是最好的红包?
    • Is it having money or wealth? 是金钱或财富吗?
    • Is it having good health? 是身体健康吗?
    • Is it having big Mandarin oranges? 是大橘子吗?
    • Is it having the Treasure Pot? 是“盆满钵满”吗?
    • Is it the “Lo-Hei”? 是捞鱼生吗?
    • Is it having children or grandchildren? 是子孙满堂/添丁发财吗?
    • Is it having Jesus? 是耶稣吗?

  3. Reasons Jesus is the Best Hong Bao 为什么耶稣是最好的红包?
  1. Through Jesus, we can receive and experience God’s gift of love. (Jn 3:16; 1 Jn 4:9-10, Rom 5:8; 1 Jn 4:16; Psa 136:26)
  2. Through Jesus, we can receive God’s forgiveness of our sins and the free gift of eternal life. (Rom 6:23)
    耶稣可以让我们领受 上帝的饶恕和所赐的永生。
  3. Through Jesus, we can become God’s children. (Jn 1:12)

IV. Response & Conclusion 回应与总结

    1. Thank God for giving us the best Hong Bao – Jesus.
      感谢上帝赐给我们最好的红包 – 耶稣。
    2. Trust Jesus as our personal Saviour and Lord.
    3. Tell at least someone why Jesus is the best Hong Bao.