

讲题:What do you want Jesus to do for you? 你要耶稣为你做什么?

经文:Luke 路加福音 18: 31 – 43 (ESV/CNVS)

Outline 大纲

  • Perception vs Reality 感知与现实

  • Jesus’ vs Disciple’s understanding 耶稣的理解与门徒的理解

  • Blind man vs Crowd’s understanding 盲人与群众的理解

  • Healing as part of Messianic expectations 医治是弥赛亚期望的一部分

  • Jesus is God 耶稣是神

  • The mystery of unanswered prayers 祷告未蒙回应的奥秘

  • If you knew who Jesus is 你若知道耶稣是谁