

讲题:Metonymy 转喻

经文:1 Peter 彼得前书 3:18-22 (ESV/CNVS)

Outline 大纲

Perplexing Passages  令人费解的圣经段落

Metonymy  转喻

Baptism is a pledge of a clear conscience toward God  洗礼是对上帝无愧的良心的承诺

Be Careful of Contrarian Voices  小心逆反的声音

Be Careful Not to Compromise  小心不要妥协

Reflection Question: Are there areas in your life (could be baptism or other areas) where you have felt tempted to compromise on following King Jesus fully?

反思问题: 你生活中是否有某些方面,洗礼或其他,让你必须对完全跟随君王耶稣做出妥协?