“Sometimes work gets me down, but then I come here for a drink, I have a chitchat, reset, go home and feel ready for tomorrow” said a sale rep of a huge firm. I recently watched a documentary on NHK World. It is about a small back space of a liquor store in Tokyo’s Asagaya neighbourhood. ‘Kaku-uchi’, the back room of a no-frills standing bar is where customers can drink their purchases. For three days, customers drinking in this liquor shop’s back room were interviewed about why they go and raise a glass. Patrons dropping in for a tipple came from all walks of life. Several individuals went regularly after work to relieve the stress or the tiredness after a laborious day’s work. One manual labourer enjoys freely interacting with people from other strata of society there, which otherwise would be unlikely. The regulars eventually found friendship and would confide problems with each other.
I reflected on how a drinking joint became a place for mental wellness and wondered whether similar setting presents an opportunity for Christians to share the gospel. I am reminded of the event recorded in John 4, where Jesus encountered the Samaritan woman at the well.
Jesus was tired from the long walk from Judea to the Samaritan town called Sychar, and sat down beside the well to rest. A Samaritan woman came to draw water around noon, which is likely to be her regular timing to avoid others due to her shameful lifestyle. Jesus took the opportunity to break through social and class barriers to reveal the Good news.
Recently I have been jogging at Gardens by the Bay every Sat morning. Because I jog weekly at the same timing, I began to recognise some joggers who also do so. Probably some of you would also have regular habits at certain settings, and that God may open opportunities for us to meet new people and share the gospel.

From the text, subsequently we read that what was shameful to the woman became her powerful testimony for Jesus the Messiah. Many first believed in Jesus because of the woman’s testimony, however they knew Jesus for themselves when Jesus interacted with them for two days. The believers stated that “No longer do they believe because of the woman’s words, for they have heard for themselves, and they know that Jesus really is the Saviour of the world.” The application here is that our testimony, whether good or bad, cannot be the foundation of someone’s believe. While our testimony can draw our family, friends and people to Christ, we need to shepherd them to encounter Christ personally and to know that Jesus is the foundation of their salvation.
从经文中,我们随后读到,对妇人来说是可耻的人生,却变成了她对弥赛亚耶稣的有力见证。许多人最初相信耶稣是因为这个妇人的见证,但是当与耶稣互动两天后,他们自己认识了耶稣。信徒们说:“现在我们信,不再是因为妇人的话,而是因为我们亲自听见了,知道这位真是世人的救主。” 这里的应用是,我们的见证,无论好坏,都不能成为某人信主的基础。虽然我们的见证可以吸引我们的家人、朋友和人们归向基督,但我们需要引导他们亲自与基督相遇,并知道耶稣是他们救恩的基础。