

讲题:Overcoming Demonic Powers: Becoming the Stronger Man 战胜恶魔的力量:成为更强的人

经文:Luke 路加福音 11:14-26 (ESV/CNVS)

Outline 大纲

  • The Holy Spirit theme 圣灵主题

  • The Holy Spirit as the source of Jesus’ Power 圣灵是耶稣能力的源头

  • Consequence of deliverence without the Holy Spirit indwelling the emptied house (Salvation) 赶鬼后没有圣灵内住(救恩)的结果。

  • Key to casting out demons: the Holy Spirit 赶鬼的关键:圣灵

  • Other Scriptural examples to get rid of the devil besides the confrontational way 除了直接对抗外,其他摆脱邪灵的圣经例子。

  • Keeping the gospel focus: Salvation as the goal 谨守福音的焦点:救恩为目的