
讲员:Dr. Malcolm Goh 吴仕魁博士

讲题:Ludicrously Blessed 荒谬的福分

经文:Psalm 1 诗篇 1 (ESV/CNVS)

Outline 大纲

Introduction 引言

  • What is truly ridiculous 真是荒谬的情况
  • The blessings of Psalm one and how ridiculous it seems 诗篇1里,看似荒谬的福分

Three things we must REFRAIN from doing to attain this ludicrous blessing 要得到这荒谬的福分,有三件要避免的事

  • Do not walk in / with the counsel of the wicked 不从恶人的计谋
  • Do not stand in the path of sinners 不站罪人的道路
  • Do not sit in the seat of scoffers 不坐好讥笑的人的座位

Two things we MUST do 两件必要行的事

  •  Delight in the law of the LORD 喜爱耶和华的律法
  •  Day and Night, Meditate on the law 昼夜默诵律法
  • Deuteronomy 6:7, Joshua 1:8 申命记6:7;约书亚记1:8

One thing the LORD WILL do 一件耶和华必将做的事

  •  Make you like a tree by the water 使你像一棵栽在溪水旁的树
  • NOT Jeremiah 17:7-8 不是耶利米书17:7-8
  • But … 而是…

Conclusion – What will you choose? 结论 – 你如何选择?