Some Thoughts on the In-flight Worship Case 关于飞行中敬拜的随想

Back in April, there was a piece of news going around of a certain Jonathon Neo who led worship on a plane with one worship song, “How Great Is Our God”.
Jonathon and his team had spent 3 weeks in Ukraine giving out humanitarian aid since the second day of the Ukraine war as part of their gospel mission work there. This flight was their journey back. They got the permission of the pilot/ captain of the airplane before singing.
As the worship was captured on video and posted on social media which went viral, there was a lot of hate and negative comments being generated. Surely, there were many who were encouraged, but the majority of the online comments were negative. We sure could understand why non-Christians would find it distasteful but there were a whole lot of commentators who identified themselves as Christians who condemned Jonathon’s act of worship and even assassinated his character which was totally uncalled for.
The big question mark is: should Jonathon have gone ahead with the worship?
In answering that question, definitely context matters. With a lot of misinformation going around, I am sure none of us have 100% knowledge with regards to the entirety of the context surrounding the situation.
Generally, we are all agreed that with regards to public display of devotion to God, sensitivity to the people around us must be one of the key considerations. One extreme view is for Christians to just worship the way they deem fit and be totally unconcerned with the people and culture around. The other extreme view is to totally confine our spiritual affections within private spaces and refuse to venture out no matter how much the Holy Spirit nudge us to go forth.
As we navigate between these two extremes, let us bear in mind that sometimes, the tasks that God entrusts to us may possibly be culturally and politically unacceptable.
Take Titus 1:12-13 as an example. “One of the Cretans, a prophet of their own, said, “Cretans are always liars, evil beasts, lazy gluttons.” This testimony is true. Therefore rebuke them sharply, that they may be sound in the faith,”
In the wake of our super woke culture, such a remark would be condemned as racist and labeled as hate speech on social media and yet this is the word of God; endorsed by God; receiving God’s stamp of approval.
Ultimately, it is not public opinion, but God’s stamp of approval that counts for eternity.
Was God’s stamp of approval on that in-flight worship? Did God intend for that in-flight worship to accomplish certain purposes that He had in mind? I do not know for sure. I believe most people also do not know, regardless of how sure they sound on social media. All I can say is, from what I can see from Scriptures, there is definitely a chance that the God of the Bible appreciates the worship and is somehow using it to accomplish His unfathomable kingdom purposes. Again, Iet me emphasize on the phrase “a chance.” I believe even the harshest critic cannot deny such a possibility no matter how slim this chance is.
I do not know Jonathon personally. But as I read more about this young man, and hear testimonies of friends who have heard him speak in public settings, I cannot help but feel that the spiritual fervour and sacrifices he had made for the gospel seriously put a lot of Christians to shame including myself.
早在 4 月,就有一条消息传遍了社交媒体:一名叫乔纳森·梁(Jonathon Neo)的新加坡青年,在飞机上用一首敬拜歌曲“我们的上帝多么伟大”带领敬拜。
自乌克兰战争开始的第二天起,乔纳森和他的团队已经在乌克兰度过了 3 周的时间。他们在那里提供人道主义援助,作为他们福音宣教工作的一部分。这次飞行是他们返回的旅程。他们在唱歌之前得到了飞机机师及机长的许可。
提多书 1:12-13 为例。 “有一个克里特本地的先知说过:“克里特人是常常说谎的,是恶兽,好吃懒作。” 这见证是真的。为了这缘故,你要严厉地责备他们,好使他们在信仰上健全,”