Baptism Candidates’ Testimonies 受洗者的见证

Zoe Low’s Testimony   刘子欣的见证

I grew up in a Christian family and was a student in a Christian school environment for 10 years. I remembered I first said the sinner’s prayer when I was primary 5, out of fear that I would go to hell if I were to die. Although I knew about God and often heard Bible stories and verses, He was never a priority back then. 

In sec 3 and 4, I had problems with my conduct in school and at home, until one day my teacher called me out for being a “bad Christian testimony”. Her words hurt deeply and I hid my pain. I felt like I lived a double-life and believed this to be true for years. My insecurities grew and I was constantly feeling out of place. I could not feel that I belonged in school, in my family or in church. 

I kept telling myself, “no one truly understands me or cares about me”. My heart was wounded, longing to feel accepted, belonged, and loved for who I was regardless of my flaws. I struggled with low self-esteem, pride, envy and was prone to lying to paint a greater picture of myself than what was real. At the core, I felt ashamed of who I was, I felt the need to hide my true self. To gain control over my life, I chased accomplishments, over-achieved and pursued relationships – all in vain as nothing satisfied me. I still felt empty. 

Even though I was present at fellowship in school and church, my heart was absent and cold. Behind a smiling face, God knows I never felt truly loved by Him. I believed that I was not pleasing to God, that everything about me is never good enough. “He doesn’t love me like how he loves my friends at school, which is why He doesn’t bless me with good grades or a close-knitted family” such thoughts continued to brew and I grew jealous of those around me. God seemed to actually care about them and I resented Him for that. For a long time, my heart was heavy and carried a lot of bitterness and hate.

I was always kinda flowing through my double-life “outside happy with a bright smile ; inside sad and broken”. Most times I felt incredibly alone, didn’t trust anyone, buried myself in a dark hole, super hopeless and lost. Yet, even when I hid away from God, God still found me. 

Towards the end of 2020, I finally saw a need to be dependent on God for He alone will save me. He planted a verse in my heart, Matthew 7 verse 7 which reads, “ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you”. I was searching for security, identity and love, and could not find it until my heart prompted me to “seek Him and find Him” and I knew that was a supernatural God telling me to have faith in Him and just believe. He promised to change me. It was so simple, I could not believe it.  

I began to notice how greatly I fall short of glory, that I need to deny myself daily and focus on Jesus who loves me deeply and cares so much for me to meet my needs. When I started to spend time with God and read His word, my heart softened and I loved Him more and more. I used to be ashamed and scared that God would scold me, so I rarely touched my Bible as it was “too holy for me”. The more I read though, I realized that all along God is writing love letters to me, guiding me in my faith journey and how to live life. 

God revealed himself to me when I opened up my heart to let Him reach me, save me, and slowly but surely, change me. The biggest change since having God active in my life is my ability to love and forgive myself and others without barriers. Having faith and believing in Jesus only, does not automatically make me perfect. I still have many flaws, a fear of failure, tend to rely on myself without reaching out for help, and make up excuses when pride gets in the way. Even though my character development and healing process is painfully slow and I beg for it to be faster, I continue to put my faith and trust that He will guide me and renew me, and I am so thankful for everyone He has placed in my life to grow with me patiently and gently. 

To know and love God is the greatest gift in life. I have no fear of death or losing control of my life. God is the one in control and will work miracles in my life. It matters to me most that my family and friends will receive this gift and be happy and blessed everyday of their lives. I have found my purpose, identity, and fulfillment, and I am secure because I know I matter, am deeply loved, wholly accepted, and cared for as a valuable, precious child of God. 

There are no good works that I need to do to earn God’s grace and buy a ticket to heaven. He gave me His promises and a hand to hold onto. Jesus met me in my deep pain, comforted me, promised me He’ll never leave me nor forsake me, and I never want Him out of my life, I want to follow Him and walk with Him til forevermore. 

Thank you for hearing my story and witnessing my baptism, it is a time to celebrate! May God bless you and be with you always. With love, Zoe.

我在一个基督教家庭长大,并在一间基督教学校就读 10 年。我记得在我小学五年级的时候,我第一次做认罪祷告,因为我害怕死了会下地狱。虽然我知道有上帝,也经常听圣经故事和经文,但上帝却不是我当时生命中的优先考虑。

在中 3 中4时,我在学校和家里的行为都出现了问题。直到有一天,我的老师因为我的不良见证,说我是一个“糟糕的基督徒”。她那番话让我深深地感到伤心难过,但我也却隐藏了我的痛苦。我觉得我过着双重生活,多年来也一直相信这是真的。我的安全感越来越差大,觉得我不属于学校、家庭或教会,总是感觉格格不入。


即使我在学校和教会的团契中,我却心不在焉和冷淡。在一张笑脸的背后,我从未真正感受到上帝的爱。我认为自己没有讨上帝喜悦,我的一切都永远不够好。 “因为上帝不会爱我像祂爱我学校的朋友那样,所以祂不祝福我有好成绩,或给我亲密的家庭关系” 。这样的想法不断酝酿,我开始嫉妒我周围的人。上帝似乎真的只关心她们,我因此而怨恨祂。很长一段时间,我的心很沉重,带着很多的辛酸和仇恨。


在 2020 年底,我终于看到依靠上帝的需要,因为只有祂能拯救我。祂在我心里播下一节经文,马太福音7:7 “你们祈求,就给你们;寻找,就寻见;叩门,就给你们开门。”我一直在寻找安全感、身份和爱,直到我的心促使我去“寻找并找到上帝”。我知道那是一位超自然的上帝在告诉我,要对祂有信心并要相信依靠祂。上帝答应改变我。我简直不敢相信,因为太简单了。




我不需要做任何善事来赢得上帝的恩典,买一张进天国的门票。祂给了我祂的应许和一只可以抓住的手。耶稣在我深深的痛苦中寻见我,安慰我,答应我祂永远不会离开我,也不会抛弃我。 我也绝对不要让我的生命失去了祂。我会跟随祂与祂同行,直到永远。



Jean Chan’s Testimony   陈洁颖的见证

I write to share about my journey of faith that led to my decision to be baptised. There is much to be said, but given the space/time constraints, I have distilled and summarised my main thoughts below. If you are interested to find out more, I invite you to reach out to me (and we could chat more over tea).


I believe that Jesus is the Lord of my life, and that Jesus’ death and resurrection saves me from eternal separation from God.

How did I come to such a belief?

To me, that would be like asking – how do I transition from a state of being asleep to the state of being awake? I do not know exactly how, but I know of its occurrence. I could point to factors like – the sun was shining on my face, there was thunder, nature’s call needed to be answered, or I awoke naturally with no discernible external cause. Regardless, my point is that while in my subconscious state I cannot consciously exercise control over or choose the precise moment to rouse – it just happens and the next moment I know, I’m awake.

My belief that Jesus is my Lord and Saviour seems as such. Looking back, I can’t say I know the exact mechanism of “how” I arrived at my belief, but I know that it occurred. I could identify various factors that I think played a part in this process (and some of these are mentioned below), but I am unable to pinpoint an exact moment whereupon I transited from “unbelief” to “belief”.


At around age 8 or 9, I voluntarily and consciously acknowledged, for the first time in my life, that I believe in Jesus.

It was nearing my birthday. I was staring at a calendar, thinking about my age increasing to another number. Growing older suddenly felt scary. That feeling opened a spiral of other thoughts – what does growing old mean, what is the point of life, what should I do with my life, why do I even have a life, what happens when I die? This first existential crisis led me to think – there must be more to life than the mere passing of time.

I recalled what I had heard in church about the God who gives life, the sinfulness of humans, physical and spiritual death as a consequence of sin, the horror of hell, and the hope of eternal life with God through the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. I didn’t want to grow old, only to die and end up in hell. The way out of this, in comparison, sounded attractive – Jesus died for my sins, all I had to do was to believe in Jesus and I could then escape punishment and go to heaven.

On the back of this recollection, and with the simple faith of a child, I then prayed to God for forgiveness of sin and for Jesus to come into my life.

What happened after that? If you had met me the day before I accepted Jesus and the day after that, you probably would not have noticed any visible difference. Internally, I lived with the hope of eternal life. Yet in my day-to-day living, frankly, not much changed. It was as though a seed had been sown but roots or shoots barely developed.


It was a few years later that I began to consider (and question) more seriously what this belief in Jesus meant, and to engage with people around me in their worldviews.

For a number of years, particularly during my teenage years, I experienced crises of faith that came wave upon wave. I struggled to accept many things. For example: I doubted the existence of God. I questioned the authority and accuracy of the Bible. I pondered about whether any other religion could offer a way to heaven or provide more satisfactory answers to life’s big questions. I found Christianity’s claims of exclusivity and absolute truth to be rather unpalatable. I could not reconcile why an omniscient and omnipotent God, who is full of love, would create humans (with the foreknowledge that their rebellion, sin, death, and the need for saving would ensue) and allow suffering. I had strong objections to Christians’ views on many issues of our time.

It got to a point when, for a time, I dared not call myself a “Christian” because I was genuinely unsure as to the truth of that claim.

How does a finite creature (like the stubborn, sceptical person that I am) come to know and experience an infinite God? Perhaps only through such ways and to such extent that the infinite God has chosen to reveal Himself to the finite creature.

Looking back, I see how God, in His love and mercy, has never stopped pursuing me and working through the people and circumstances around me to point me back to Him. Throughout my life, God has been speaking to me and helping me get to know Him through various ways. Some of these include: (1) placing me in a family that introduced me to the Bible from an early age and through whose lives demonstrate what loving God and loving others looks like; (2) blessing me with close friends with whom I can have honest conversations about life, love, morality, mortality, purpose, etc; (3) providing me with mentors and teachers along the way who give wise and patient counsel; (4) the company of books (and other resources); and (5) helping me to grow in my understanding of God and the Bible, and renewing my conviction to believe in and serve God, through Christian friends in school, Sunday school lessons, fellowship groups in church and during my time serving in Singapore Youth For Christ.

So, by the grace of God, my mind and heart has grown in conviction and in faith – this time, a faith rooted in a deeper understanding of who God is and what God has been doing. I acknowledged the truth of the Bible, the spiritual condition of my soul, the saving work of Jesus, and that God is God and I am not. The knowledge in my mind birthed a conviction within my heart to love, obey and serve the God who created me. It is with this faith that I have experienced enduring peace, joy, and fulfilment in life, of a nature that I cannot find in anything or anyone else.

That is not to say that all my questions and doubts have been wholly answered or resolved. Till today, there are many areas which I struggle with. Notwithstanding that I do not have all the answers to questions I seek, my faith in the God revealed in the Bible, whom I have come to know and whose presence I’ve experienced in my life, remains. (That said, I do not consider that to have faith in God requires a dispensation of or artificial suspension of reason or rationality. Rather, I consider that (1) reason and rationality point towards an infinite being (i.e. God, who is omniscient) as the ultimate source of wisdom and truth; and (2) a finite creature who possesses fallible and imperfect knowledge (i.e. myself) cannot live without faith.)


The journey of faith has been, is, and will be fraught with challenges. I know that my decision to believe in Jesus is made against the backdrop of an existing spiritual realm where Satan, the great deceiver, prowls.

Indeed, since placing my faith in Jesus, I still fail in many ways and struggle with many sins. I often live as though and wish that I am the lord of my life, not Jesus. I often fail to extend love and forgiveness to others, despite myself receiving love and forgiveness from God through no merit of my own. My priorities and desires are often out of self-gratification, rather than to fulfil God’s priorities and desires. My wilful and persistent sinning shows the extent of my depravity (and even more, the need for God’s grace and forgiveness through Jesus). Furthermore, the more I see how holy, just, loving, patient and merciful God is, the more I see how deficient I am. I am very much still a “work-in-progress”. I do not expect these struggles to abate; some may remain lifelong struggles.

In spite of this, I am comforted that my journey of faith and growth towards becoming more Christ-like will not be in solitude or helplessness, as there would be: (1) the in-dwelling of God’s Holy Spirit in me who will comfort, teach, chide and empower; (2) the fellowship of brothers and sisters in Christ (in Ang Mo Kio Gospel Hall and beyond) who would encourage and rebuke as needed; and (3) the collective wisdom of the many who have come before and whose stories, reflections, arguments and lessons of faith continue to teach and inspire.

My baptism is a sign of my commitment to follow Jesus come what may, with no turning back.

Please would you pray that God would make me useful for His purposes and guard my soul until the day I face my Maker with joy and trembling.












然后怎样呢? 如果你在我接受耶稣的前一天及之后的那一天遇见我的话,你很可能不会注意到什么明显的差异。在我心里,我有了永生的盼望。但在我日常的生活中,老实说,我并没有太大的转变。就好像播下了一颗种子,但根或芽却几乎没有茁长。












尽管如此,我感到安慰的是,我的信心之旅与朝向越像基督的成长之路不会是孤独或无助的,因为我拥有: (一) 圣灵居住在我里面,祂会赐下安慰,会教导我,会谴责我,也会赋予力量; (二)基督里弟兄姐妹(在宏茂桥福音堂及其他地方)的团契、鼓励与适时的责备;(三)许多先贤们所汇集的智慧,他们的故事、反思、论辩及信心的功课会继续教导和启发我。


请您为我祷告,求神使我按祂的旨意为祂所用,并守护我的灵魂,直到我带着喜乐与战 兢,与我的造物主面对面的那一天。

Jensen Chan’s Testimony   陈劼圣的见证

Early beginnings

From young, I was brought up in a Christian household, attended this church all my life, and attended a mission school throughout all 12 years of my grade school life. Having been exposed to Christianity in almost every area of my life, I learned about the Bible and knew many Bible stories. But being an innocent child, I didn’t think much about it, and I never really had a relationship with God.

It was when I was around 13-14 years old, that I really started examining my faith, questioning if I really believed in my heart, all that I knew about God and the Bible. I realised that most of my “faith” was just head-knowledge, akin to knowing characters or storylines in movies and fictional books. Under the guidance of the 导师s and older members of Timothy Fellowship (TF), I began to read the Bible myself, and pray to God. I started to experience a relationship with God, in which God revealed more of His nature and the truth of the gospel to me, as I grew to depend on Him more and more.

During these teenage years, there were times where God’s love felt especially real to me. When I confessed my sins to Him, I was reassured that my sins were forgiven, and that I had hope of eternal life, and a continuing relationship with God. It was also during this period, when I became more active in serving in church, through taking on more roles in TF and leading worship in church. My faith and relationship with God continued to grow, and I found myself praying more naturally to God throughout the day, and becoming more sensitive to His guiding, in terms of showing me ways in which I should grow.


However, things turned for the worse when I was about 17 years old, in JC2. Due to academic stress from the many deadlines piling up, failings in my interactions with the people around me, lacking in sleep, I stopped doing quiet time daily, and my relationship with God grew distant. After a few weeks, it felt like God was so far away, and my prayers weren’t being answered. I failed to meet many of my school deadlines, pushed away some of the friends who cared for me, and I stopped trying to pray or seek God. On top of it all, I beat myself up (figuratively) over all the poor choices I made, which I thought brought me to this point, and kept me stuck in this predicament. I also didn’t feel comfortable with sharing most of these struggles with anyone in church.

In order to cope with the overwhelming stress from all these areas of my life, I chose to put off thinking about or trying to deal with any of these issues. It was too much for me to think about, and I was already blaming myself for these problems, so I ignored them and continued trudging on with trying to keep up with school. This resulted in me practically abandoning my relationship with God and indulging in sinful habits, choosing not to care about God or seeking Him in my daily life. It was only when I was forced to do any form of Christian ministry, such as leading worship or TF programmes, that I reluctantly spent time thinking about God or praying for help.

This cycle of ignoring God most of the time, yet being obliged to serve in church ministry, while refusing to share any of my struggles with anyone, persisted for about 3 years, through my time in National Service, and up until I entered university. Throughout this time, I continued to not seek God, and indulge in my sinful and carefree life, since God’s standards for my life didn’t matter to me anymore. But at the same time, even with the academic stress over and done with, I continued blaming myself for all the poor choices I made in JC2, beating myself up over it. This reached a point where I questioned if I was really a Christian who had been saved. After all, if we need to believe in Jesus Christ as our Lord and Saviour, and repent of our sins, in order to be saved, then was I really saved? I definitely did not live as if Jesus was my Lord, and I wasn’t repenting of any of my sins, even if I was intellectually convinced and believed that God existed, and the Bible was true.

The road to recovery

In August 2019, I started university. I joined the NUS Chinese Varsity Christian Fellowship (CVCF), but looking back on it now, I don’t really know why I did. After all, if my relationship with God was this bad for such a long time, even as I continued attending church, what reason was there for me to spend even more time being exposed to God’s word in a Christian community? I can only surmise that, perhaps, deep down I had some hope that I would find spiritual help through this community, and most definitely, that it was God’s guidance and will that I should end up in this student ministry.

Also, within the first few weeks of school, I was randomly approached by two seniors from NUS Navigators, who were out and about doing campus evangelism. Even though I said that I was a Christian, they still shared the gospel to me anyway, using one of the common gospel tools. When they got to the end, and asked me if I had faith and believed that I was saved, I told them honestly: “So if I believe, but I don’t repent of my sins, then how?”

They then invited me to meet with them weekly, to read the Bible together and start re-exploring my faith again. I also attended CVCF small group Bible studies during my first semester of university. Through these opportunities to start read God’s Word for myself again, with the fellowship of older Christian brothers and sisters, I felt God speaking to me again directly through the Bible. I remember this verse, in particular, stood out to me:

“But to all who did receive him, who believed in his name, he gave the right to become children of God,” (John 1:12)

It was these seniors from Navigators and CVCF, whom were the first people I shared some of the abovementioned struggles and issues with. I think that this was a critical factor which helped me to turn back to God, to come to His throne of grace to receive forgiveness, and to restart this relationship with Him. I also started doing quiet time again daily and prayed again.

 By the end of 2019, through the above progress that was made in my relationship with God, I finally gained the courage to share all of these struggles with the TF 导师, Pastor Chang Loong. I shared all of the issues and things I was experiencing from the beginning, and asked if I could take a break from serving in church, while I re-explored and worked on my relationship with God again.

Being guided by Jacky, as well as growing with a group of companions in CVCF, I grew in my relationship with God. After a few months, I was able to slowly start serving in church and CVCF ministries again. I experienced real peace and healing from being able to confess my past struggles and sins to others. This was contrary to what I had feared so greatly previously, where I had thought that I would be judged and that my reputation in this church would be over. Instead, what I received was grace, sympathy and understanding, and forgiveness from my fellow brothers and sisters in Christ. And I know that God was making clear to me, His unconditional and unchanging love for me, through these people in my life.

God is love

Now, looking back on those three years of turning away from God, I know that God’s love never once left me. He kept pursuing me until I finally turned back to Him. Like that of the prodigal son, the Father was continually waiting for this wasteful and rebellious son to come back, and He welcomed me with open arms.

In these two and a half years since I really started taking my faith seriously again, I cannot say that it has been “happily ever after”. The reality is, I still struggle with sin, I still struggle with blaming myself over things that I’ve done in the past or feeling guilty for mistakes I’ve made. But to only focus on these aspects would be a gross mischaracterisation of my journey to faith, and my experiences as a born-again Christian. I would not be giving God His glory due.

Indeed, I have experienced God’s grace and forgiveness that covers all my shortcomings and sins, but I have also seen how God has changed and transformed me steadily over time, and continues to do so today. I have grown to become more open in communicating with others, sharing my life with fellow brothers and sisters in Christ, learning to bear one another’s burdens. Instead of being so caught up with my own struggles, I am learning to focus on God instead, to see what He is doing in my life and in the world around me, and seeing how God has called me to live a life of purpose, in gratitude to Him for His grace.

May all glory and honour be to God, who has extended His grace to a sinner such as me, and that I can enjoy an abundant and fruitful life, through His Son, my Lord Jesus Christ.





















