讲 员 :刘荣森长老 传译:彭耀荣弟兄
经 文 :使徒行传 Acts 6:1-7
大纲: 对神的服事是事奉。对人的服事是服务。无论对神对人,基督徒都被召服事。
Whether it is to God or to people, Christians are called to serve.
1. 你抱着什么心态去服事? What is your attitude towards ministry?
2. 你是否愿意装备自己去服事? Are you willing to equip yourself to serve?
3. 神把哪些服事摆在我面前,我可以去服事祂?What ministry does God set before me so that I can serve Him?
4. 你是否对人类某个特定的需要有所负担?Is there a particular human need that you have a burden?
5. 你自己在哪些个人、情感和属灵的资源能满足这项需要?What personal, emotional, and spiritual resources do you have to meet the need?
6. 教会中是否有 2 或 3 个人与你有同样的负担或愿景?Are there 2 or 3 others in the congregation