
讲员: 蔡杰奇执事

经文: 使徒行传 Acts 6:8-8:4

在顽梗的世界里为基督做见证需具备什么?What does it take to be Christ’s witnesses in a stiff-necked world?

1. 需被圣灵充满 It takes being filled with the Spirit (6:8-15)

  • 满有恩典 Being full of grace
  • 满有能力 Being full of power

2. 需对基督与祂的教导有信心/把握 It takes confidence in Christ and His teachings (7:1-53)

  • 关于一位施予的神 About a giving God (7:2-8)
  • 关于一位被拒绝的拯救者 About a rejected deliverer
    • 如约瑟 As in Joseph’s story (7:9-16)
    • 如摩西 As in Moses’ story (7:17-43)
  • 关于一位伟大的神 About a great God (7:44-50)
  • 在拦阻面前 In the face of resistance (7:51-53)

3. 需相信神的国度是值得付上代价的 It takes faith that God’s kingdom is worth the cost (7:54 – 8:4)