周建文 Chow Kien Boon

Dear Brothers and Sisters

Good morning to you. First and foremost, my name is Chow Kien Boon. My sister Mui Gek and my mom Hui Meng are also in this church. Really appreciate your presence today and listening to my testimony.  

Time seems to pass very quickly and I am already 45. I first came to Ang Mo Kio Gospel Hall’s Sunday School when I was a primary school student. I remember that there was a visit to my house by sister Gooi Lee Cheng together with other church members, and I was invited to attend the Sunday School class. That should be around year 1987, which is about 37 years ago. It was enjoyable and fruitful during the Sunday School classes as we learnt about Lord Jesus and His words from the Sunday School teachers in a fun way, like via some art and craft works, other than the many Christian children songs sang together. I recall my Sunday School teachers were brother Lai Kun and sister Ji Yi, just to name a few. There were also event gifts given like Christian story books, which we often looked forward to, as young children.

I continued attending the Sunday school until around lower secondary school days. After that can’t recall why I stopped attending it. I was like a lost sheep subsequently. Fast forward many years later, I started working after graduating from university in year 2004. Although I didn’t attend any church worship at all, I still remembered Lord Jesus and would pray briefly, for example, when I encountered certain problems in my life. On and off, I would read the Daily Bread, and attend invited events in Church like during Christmas Day, Good Friday.

I started to keep in contact with brother Lai Kun in year 2021 due to our related works at the workplace. He was working in LTA and I was in SP PowerGrid. I started attending the church worship sessions online via Zoom towards end 2022. Something then happened in my life; my health nightmare and troubles started in around mid-2022. I was having skin problems on my face. It affected my mental wellbeing quite badly as the worries piled up over time. I also lost a lot of weight. In early 2023, there was sensation in my back area and the subsequent MRI scan shows a low-grade growth in the spinal cord. Trouble seems to come one after the other. I decided to stop work in Aug 2023 after much consideration, hoping that I might get better. Until now, I am still struggling with the troubles. However, I will continue to seek the  strength, love, peace and hope of Lord Jesus into my body and my soul. On the other hand, I realise that I walk even closer to Lord Jesus as I seek help from him. Just to share, as mentioned in John 16:33: I have told you these things so that in me you may have peace. In the world you have trouble and suffering, but take courage—I have conquered the world.”

Since Apr 2023, I have been seeing brother Evan regularly for consultation and also to learn Lord Jesus’s words. Really appreciate the big efforts, and I am sure it was Lord Jesus’s arrangement for me too. Brothers and sisters, Lord Jesus works in ways that we can’t see and only Lord Jesus has the big picture of our lives moving forward. Just to share, as mentioned in Proverbs 3:5-6: Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight.        

Life could be full of challenges ahead. May Lord Jesus continue to lead my life and direct my path to move forward together with Him. This baptism will be my declaration of faith in Lord Jesus. It is also a renewal of my motivation to avoid sin and temptation. May the Lord forgive the sins that I had previously. I will trust in the name of the Lord for the rest of my days. Once again, thank you brother and sisters for your listening ears. Please keep me in your prayers. I will see you around.